Thursday 23 February 2012

Through the eyes of an outsider looking in

Writing mostly about what drives me and what I am seeing during my travels, I almost forgot talk about what fills these places and how they are able to function. In each city, what drives the banks, the stores, the organizations and companies are the people. People who wake every morning ready to submerge themselves in their daily routine. What drives them, I don't know but here is a brief ethnography of the people in Geneva.

Ironed suits, professional attire, heavy briefcases and coiffed hair, most people of Geneva present themselves as business and political figures. Yes, there are still people dressed in their fashionable European attire riding around on their scooters or strolling along the lake, but the general feeling is professional and well put together. Whether you are sitting in a café or peeking into a window of a business, the sense of a fast paced environment filled with deadlines and pricey ensembles captures the very essence of the city.

What I like most about Geneva are Saturday mornings, people fill the streets running their weekend errands. The site is less work related and more relaxed and casual. Parents dragging their children into the grocery stores or in the museums to gain more knowledge they might not have acquired during the week, Geneva seems to go into a different state during the weekend.

If you are curious, come and see for yourself. Take a trip to Geneva, come visit me (of course) and see what I live in and encounter everyday. I hope you all got the sense I get when I wander around in the city of politics, businesses and industrial entrepreneurship. .

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