Monday 20 February 2012

Proactive vs. Reactive

We hear that people constantly fall between these two categories, proactive or reactive. Living our day to day lives, we begin to see how we will take on life through the hand we are dealt and how we feel about the circumstances we are under.

Webster dictionary defines proactive as “acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes” and defines reactive as “readily responsive to a stimulus.” Both these definition offer an explanation we can attempt to understand when trying to define these terms. The concepts are much more complex, but to sum it up or attempt to briefly describe it is almost as important as trying to over define it.

Although definitions are more words that are in need to be defined, I believe they help provide us understand the meaning to what we hope the word entails. The way I see being proactive individual is seeking out opportunities through multiple venues. Seeking contacts that share the same vision or have the ability to connect with a network of people that seek out the same motives you may share, is imperative to reaching a point on contentment or even a step closer to what you truly want. It is setting goals and actually implementing steps on how you will get there. Not waiting for something to happen to actually start setting objectives, but actively writing what it is you want to see or get.

Reactive solutions are usually the path people take in life. For example, someone invests in a cause they think is just. They spend money; time and effort towards a goal they believe is fantastic and end up getting disappointed, manipulated and left with nothing but the bill. The only thing you can do from this situation is react. You can either sit and cry in the corner feeling sorry for yourself or you can find a way to better your situation. Take initiative to find a solution. There is no situation awful enough or impossible to get better from and come out on top. It takes courage and willingness to find a way but the way is worth investing in.

I think there is a time and place to act both proactively and reactively. I think a combination of both is necessary to live your life because we can say that one is not sufficient to meet your goals. Life is filled with successes and failures and the need to be reactive about your failures and proactive about your successes and vice-versa for both, is key to live a fulfilling life.

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