Saturday 4 February 2012

Grüezi Friburrrrrrrrrg (teeth chatter)

Minus 14 Celsius with a wind-shield factor is never an ideal temperature to stroll in the small village of Fribourg. As I get up to bring my uncle to the local train station for his departure to Algeria, I sit with my aunt and cousin to enjoy an espresso in a café. We chat about life, the world and topics of the sort. A perfect way to spend a Saturday morning.

Proceeding my uncle Salem's departure to Geneva's International Airport, we stop at a bakery to pick up fresh bread for breakfast. We gather around the table with Switzerland's finest jams, cheese, coffee and tea to enjoy each others company before departing for a touristic day in the neighboring towns. This country is more than just Alps, vast landscape and small villages, it is filled with history, art, culture and beauty. Well, off I go to play tourist before Sunday evening catches up to me. Tschüss (Goodbye in Swiss-Geman) for now !

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