Friday 24 February 2012

More than politics and global commitment, there is art and poetry within this young Turkish lady

Giz, the Turkish native traveling from Istanbul to London and finally arriving to Geneva, exuberates a multiplicity of interests and passions. Another good friend I have made along the way, what I like about Giz is her dedication to the global community and her willingness to give her time and effort to noble causes. Along with these intentions to the international community, important causes and politics, she has a profound love for the arts. She has given me this poem of her favorite Turkish poet, Asik Vesel, which I believe came in at the perfect time. Here I am sharing it with you all as I believe it speaks to all in some way.

May the friends remember me
After I pass, my name remains
May the friends remember me
Weddings happen, holidays come
May the friends remember me
Soul flies from the cage
World is an inn, settlers depart
The moon wanders, years go by
May the friends remember me
Body will be deprived of life
Hearth won’t burn, smoke won’t rise
By armfuls, salutes I pass
May the friends remember me
Many blooms thrive and fade
Who had laughed, who’ll be glad
Desire’s lie, real is death
May the friends remember me
Into evening will turn the days
Behold what soon will take place
Veysel departs, his name remains
May the friends remember me

She claimed that the translation does not to the poem justice, but I believe it speaks volumes about friendship. J.

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