Sunday 5 February 2012

Gruyère, more than just cheese

Yesterday's tourist visit to the Castle of Gruyère proved to be quite interesting. Although many of you, including myself, might have assumed it is a production site for the cheese, it goes beyond the expectations. A castle in the middle of the Alps sitting on the edge of a hill takes your breath away as you are driving up towards it. From above, you almost feel like you are the king (or queen) of the castle. The air was crisp, the snow-topped houses below were endearing and as the clouds parted during our walk, the mountains and landscape were picturesque.

Inside the castle, I saw an exhibition of the Fribourgois artist Markus Peissard. The brilliant photographer captures the essence of ice as it metamorphoses. What shocked me the most as I passed through the gallery initially, was the thought these were paintings, but in the end they were pictures with so much texture and detail. We finished by seeing the a multimedia video on the history of the castle which is rich and detailed, so if you are interested, check out their website.

As we gathered in the kitchen for dinner, we prepared the typical ingredients for a fondue, cheese, cheese and more cheese. While it is not a meal I could eat everyday, it was delicious and I intend to eat again sometime soon. Finishing the night off, we sat as a family next to the fire place and laughed at the 3-hour humor show on television. I have to say, after a stressful and busy week, this weekend was exactly what I needed. Now I am off back to Geneva for more fun and adventure! 

Here is the official site for Gruyère for the curious:

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