Friday 17 February 2012

Entre amis, j'ai toujours envie (Between friends, I always feel like it)

Grabbed the train to Fribourg to spend some quality time with my friends Julie and Giz. It is amazing to see how we all come from different backgrounds and pasts, yet we share so many of the same values, aspirations and visions.

As I arrived at the train station, Julie awaited to bring me to our friend Giz' place. I walked into her warm and welcoming apartment smelling of good food and the feeling of happiness and friendship filling the room. We greeted each other cheerfully and awaited Giz' lovely boyfriend Adel to join us for dinner. The night was filled with laughter, good conversation,great food, stories and a sense of friendship I never thought I would find so quickly arriving to Switzerland.

Waking up we enjoyed our breakfast and coffee. Now, we are spending the day exploring a country foreign to us with excitement and anticipation. Being among friends makes the journey adventurous and meaningful. Off I go bundled up for the blistering cold of this small town. It's worth it!

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