Friday 24 February 2012

My first goodbye, but surely not farewell

Yesterday I walked down by the lake with my South Korean friend Julie and Nepali friend Tenzin. We gazed out onto the beautiful landscape before us and discussed about life, love and the future. It was calming and refreshing to be among friends after a week of chasing dreams and opportunities. While we discussed of plans and new beginnings, I could not shake the feeling that it would be the last time we would gather by the lake side in Creux de Genthod for a very long time. I was getting ready to say my goodbyes to Julie as she had finally packed her bags to travel to Paris, then London and onto Salamanca where she would go to learn Spanish for a period of three months.

Julie and I went to dinner and avoided the topic itself. We talked and laughed about everything we had gone through and both happily agreed that even through tough times, we were glad to have come to Geneva. We had become friends and that friendship will surely last a lifetime. Julie is a bright, loving and genuine individual I am excited to see shine in the future. She has so much potential and zest for life which makes it undoubtedly certain she will accomplish everything she aspires to do. I hope she sees what I have seen in her in the last month and that she uses everything she possess as well as the thick skin she has gained through this experience, to pursue goals she never thought possible.

As she walked me up to the train station, we began to say how much we appreciated the other and how it has been a journey we would never forget. I know that we will see each other in the future, either in Europe or South Korea and that the reunion will surely be comical and exciting. Until then, I continue to purse what I came here to do as she embarks on a new journey towards a foreign land. Goodbye Julie, have fun, enjoy every moment and be fearless in everything you do. Annyeonghi gyeseyo for now!!

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