Saturday 25 February 2012

Be an athlete without playing sports

What does this concept of being an athlete entail? Is it a physical practice, a mental state of mind or a psychological mindset? Do you have to play sports to grasp the very essence of being an athlete? All these questions can be easily answered, although they may vary from person to person. Here is my opinion on being an athlete.

I believe that it is a combination of physical, mental and psychological. The quintessence revolves around all three simultaneously. They work together in any situation. Whether you are searching for that job you want, getting that volleyball down for a kill or even completing a project for school, you can embody what it takes to be an athlete.

From a physical perspective, your body needs rest, nutrition and some TLC (tender, love and care) in order to fully engage with your mind, heart and soul. The need for the right dose of rest to be well attentive and receptive, the right nutrition to gain the right lasting fuel and the tender to love and care for the state where work meets play, the physical is a multi-dimensional component. Feeling good is essential to practice what you want. Imperatively, this need is a must to mobilize yourself from place to place. The consequence of not having the physical aspect of being an athlete is a disadvantage to all other components it takes to be an athlete. It is not the high volumes of caffeine or 1000 lbs of weights you lift that will give your body endurance and strength; it is treating your body as a prize possession.

The mental is something we can all say takes practice. Setting the mind on the right path to creativity and success is something you learn through obstacles and success. The mind is a tool that you need to sharpen every day for sustainability and growth. It is essential to sometimes step out of your comfort zone in order to test what your mind is capable of. Lack of challenges can make the mind stagnate. Challenging yourself through a difficult puzzle or sprint 100m under 7 seconds allowsnyou to develop an endurance and belief that you CAN complete something that might have seemed impossible before. The mind is sharp and strong enough to be challenged, so give it a shot, try something that you might have not thought possible or even take on a challenge someone entrusts in you. You learn to trust yourself through bigger challenges by accepting and defeating the small ones.

Last but not least, the psychological component of being an athlete. This is the one aspect of being an athlete that is in your control. You have the ability to access numerous resources that train you to confront any tasks or obstacles. Reading books of people that have achieved success in their domain or exploring different philosophies, religions and art can speak volumes to your psychological integrity. Read about people that have done what you are trying to do and challenge to surpass them by using what they have used for their success and add your touch to it. This is a creative process as you are the master of choice. You choose what you read, and evidently you choose what you believe.

Being an athlete goes beyond the court, the field, the track or the weight room, it’s a state of competitiveness you impose on yourself. Athletes have the luxury of exploring these physical, mental and psychological concepts. As a regular individual taking on the world, you can utilize these tactics to your own advantage. Become the athlete of your field. You will surely encounter grand success by utilizing these tactics to achieve what you set out for yourself. Needless to say, you don’t have to be wearing a uniform to embrace this; you can be wearing your sweats, your business suit or even just jeans and t-shirt. Try it out; you might surprise yourself on how much you can do.

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