Wednesday 22 February 2012

Search for the Green Mermaid

Modern furniture, smiling employees, abundance of cakes and sandwiches and the sweet smell of strong, bold coffee. Yes, I am describing my favorite café, Starbucks. Whether I am in Washington D.C, Ottawa or Geneva, this place has become a place of escape for me. You can always find me sitting doing work here or even just meeting a friend for some casual conversations. Along with the free wifi it provides, the place offers a welcoming atmosphere for all who enters.

The jazz music in the background with the quiet conversations filling the room., people are driven to come in and enjoy their purchases on site. This café leaves you wanting more. More time to think, more time to write, more time to talk, it gives you a sense of time slowing down even if the minutes are ticking  as fast as the people passing by outside on the streets.  For those of you who refuse to invest a dime in this environment, you are truly missing out

So today when you are feeling stressed or busy, come in and take a minute lose yourself in such a delightful environment. Search for the green mermaid..It might just change your mood or calm you down. Take it from a coffee lover (maybe even addict) and enjoy those coffee beans, diverse teas and mini scones. Enjoy !

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