Saturday 18 February 2012

Carnival à la Fribourgeois

People dressed in their colorful and eccentric attire filled the streets in the village of Fribourg. Carnival is finally here. Although we may not find the hot temperature we find in Brazil, great numbers of people gathered for the festivities in lower town Fribourg. Music, food, drinks and laughter are in abundance as the Fribourgeois are finally on vacation for a week.

This Fribourgeois medieval tradition is celebrated right before Mardi gras and lent. A jovial site to see if you are ever in Switzerland around this time of year. There is a sense of indulgence and community for a few days before this Catholic tradition kicks off. I enjoyed seeing the various colored masks and wigs people mixed and matched for this festivities.

Next time I have the chance to participate in carnival, I am sure to dress up. What better time, other than Halloween, to enjoy dressing up and being someone else for the night. The sense of celebration was in the air and I like the sense of community that surrounds this celebration as it is one of the biggest celebrations of the year in this quiet and quaint village. 

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