Thursday 16 February 2012

Patience, the biggest of virtues

We spend our lives thinking about what we want to do, where we want to go, how we want to contribute to the world and society and discover who we really are. From society’s pressure to immediately succeed to our own ambitions filtering through our minds, we find that the only thing we can do is take it a day at a time. As we choose the walk of life we want to take, it is imperative to stay true to yourself and what you believe in. Parents spend our childhood’s loading us with values they hope we will keep once we are faced with the realities of life.

Looking at life, sometimes we are faced with making decisions that are not always the easiest. Pressured by our own mind, body and soul, we attempt to make the most logical and rational decision. While this is key to success and growth, the importance of doing things with your touch of personality and uniqueness makes the journey easier and worth the while.

Whether you desire to change the world or simply impact a life, the key ingredient to get there is patience. The world takes you on a whirlwind of adventures bringing success and failure but patience is the element that makes you stronger and inevitably brings you what you truly desire. Standing patient in a chaotic world shows character. Along with determination, passion, hard work and resilience, patience reinforces all values you have acquired over the years.

I find myself in a time where patience is everything. Waiting to see where the world takes me, I remain proactive about every aspect of my life. There is no sense on focusing your energy on only one part of your life, we must multitask, or even say juggle, important elements that strengthen and stabilize who you really are.

Aristotle once said “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” That said, if we practice patience, patience becomes a habit instead of a burden we tend to see it as. So, as you go about your day expecting people to do things in your favor, processes to be accomplished immediately and finding a way where question meets answer, remember that when your solution or end finally arrives, the ones who will appreciate there final product the most are the one’s who exemplified the very essence of patience.,

1 comment:

  1. Very well said:) Not only you are my daughter but you have surpassed me!xxx
