Wednesday 18 January 2012

Where there is a will, there is a way

Today was a fantastic day. Getting up early this morning, I walked to the United Nations to get on bus V torwards Webster University in Geneva. As I arrived on campus, I had a burst of excitement and satisfaction. It felt great to be back on a campus. Little did I know, I would be offered a chance to apply for my masters for the upcoming fall. As I met with the head of the Communications and Media Department, we exchanged biographies about who we were, why we were here and what we were all about. She was quite impressive with her ability to jungle all her projects, teach classes and be the head of a department. I will attending the institution in the fall and starting my masters. Fantastic, I found my home for the next two years starting August. It feels good knowing that dreams and aspirations can truly transform into reality with 2 ingredients, courage and willingness. Courage to follow your dream and willingness to pursue it when it is offered to you. Well I am off to an art exhibit in Carouge.

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