Friday 20 January 2012

A Sea of hopes and needs

As I finish my first week in Geneva, I think about all the great things that have happened so far. I have started to work with an institute I believe will accomplish tremendous work this next year with its innovating ideas and ability to attract a diverse clientele. The 9 other interns working with the institute will be coming in on Monday morning, which I assume will be where all the fun will truly begin.

Today was excited as I got the chance to sit on a panel to select a professor for the program I will be doing my masters in starting this fall. Although I cannot say the candidate’s name, I can say that she was one of the most dynamic individuals I have ever met. Her knowledge and experience about business, the film industry, media agencies and so forth packaged with her willingness to build a precedent for the program was innovative and refreshing. Geneva is a city with so much untouched potential. I am excited to be part of the creativity. While it can be rough at times, it is very rewarding. More news to come, that is for sure.

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