Wednesday 25 January 2012

Never enough coffee

Coffee has become more of an essential substance to my everyday life. I am currently taking class, interning at IMGG and following up with a few projects of my own. Although it may come accross as a disturbing addiction, I believe that I sip this dearest dark liquid for the pleasure of its taste and delicious aroma. To all the coffee lovers out there, I am with you 101%. I enjoy waking up in the morning to its bold and poignant smell or even going to have an espresso with my colleagues during a break.Well, I am off to the café-bar at Chateau de Penthe where our office is located. And that was my pro-coffee blurb. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I think coffee drinkers rationalize after a few years that their habit has developed because they enjoy the taste of coffee. However, let's be frank - coffee doesn't taste good :P You know it, I know it and it's all one big conspiracy! haha. Hope your enjoying yourself down there Jess.
