Monday 23 January 2012

There is no 9 to 5 in the NGO world

As I take a quick break from my work, I realize after working over the weekend on an upcoming conference we are hosting with Webster University Geneva, there is truly no set time for my work schedule in Geneva. As you plan events that involve both universities and the international community, it is imperative to have full days of planning, logistic work, financial budgeting and meetings. With a background in international relations, I have to pick up on business and project management skills I have not acquired during my undergrad. While it may seem like a tight schedule, it is nice to have other interns in the office working on the many projects to come. Giz, an intern from Turkey, has finally arrived. She has her masters in International Security so it is interesting to see what she brings to the team. Everyone has different backgrounds making it a very dynamic and diverse team.

Well, I have to go back to work on the Media Trends Conference planning. Stay tuned for more advertisement and information on the conference.

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