Tuesday 20 March 2012

A Tribute & Farewell To An Amazing Friend

On Saturday March 17, at 2:30 am Geneva time, I got notice that my very dear friend, Marcus Ford, passed away due to a heart attack. He was a young vibrant man who lived his life gratefully and to the fullest. His life was an example on how one should live it. Marcus never took anything for granted, lived life with passion and determination and truly enjoyed the beauty of life.

I remember when Marcus and I started getting closer as friends. His kindness, caring, generosity and warm smile are only a few of the reasons I found myself drawn to his friendship. We could relate to one another even though we had come from different paths of life. I am grateful and truly blessed to have been part of his short but meaningful life. Everyone who knew or met Marcus could testify on his behalf. His infectious personality and bold character lured you in as quickly as his piercing smile.

What I loved about Marcus is that when he was in your presence, he always made sure to pay attention to how you were feeling and what you were saying. He cared about every word and action coming out of a person. Marcus never judged people. He simply enjoyed them for who they were. He brought the best out of people, his surroundings, his pursuits in life and most of all, he always brought the best out of himself. Marcus showed resilience, passion, determination and a joie de vie that most people never achieve in life. But he knew that life was so precious and he lived it in that way.

I am so proud to call Marcus one of my best friends. Our friendship bloomed so quickly. I will miss our fruitful conversations about anything and everything. I will miss seeing him walk through my front door at JMU. I will miss hanging out with him just because we want and can. So many things remind me of him. The one thing I will miss the most is him.

Although his life was short, he impacted everyone and everything around him for the better. I know we will all miss but if there is anything we can take from his passing, is that we must live life to the fullest each and every day. Go for everything and anything your heart truly desires, indulge in your friendships and breed a zest for life in and around you.

Farewell Marcus, may you rest in peace.

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