Sunday 11 March 2012

Sunday, my favorite day of the week

Shops and businesses closed for the day, I put on my running shoes and plug my earphones in. I step outside to the hot sun and the cool Spring breeze.I start my Sunday morning, after sleeping in, with a long run. Clear blue skies, the Alps are a picturesque view. People are enjoying Sunday morning's calm in cafés with their families. Everyone is outside enjoying the sun and a day of the week where no one is obligated to do business or work. It's comforting to see people taking the time to enjoy each other after a chaotic week. Down by the lake, I see people strolling with their families and dogs and park benches filled with people enjoying a picnic of baguettes, cheese, fruits and tea. It is as though I am in a movie. What's truly beautiful about it is that it seems so natural. I love Geneva for that reason.

No need for fancy attire, fully done hair and make up, Sundays are meant to be lazy and relaxing. Watching movies, reading a book, spending time with your family and friends, this day of the week recharges my batteries to take on another week. As I prepare myself for a busy week of work, playing with a new volleyball team and all other tasks and responsibilities of life, I take this day as a time to refuel my mind, body and soul. Sitting in my apartment listening to the music of Anour Brahem, enjoying tea with my roommates and reading, I know this Sunday has been great. Well, off I go to attend to more Sunday affairs. To all my friends, family and followers, have a great Sunday too.

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