Sunday 25 March 2012

Outlet: Source of expression and release

Oxford dictionary defines an outlet as “a pipe or hole through which water or gas may escape.” or “a means of expressing one’s talents, energy, or emotions.” Although both definitions share different words and sentence structure, I believe that they have many commonalities in meaning. A pipe in which water can escape exemplifies that even a solid object can have a hole in which liquid can flow right throw. Such as person, an outlet as a means in which an individual can express him or herself is as possible as the water that flows through the pipe. Outlets are essential because they ignite an inner body passion into an outer body experience. They allow us to express ourselves through a creative process.

An outlet is something that we can look to in times of stress or just as a daily activity. Whether your passion is writing, running, photography, film, music or mathematic problems, they stimulate the brain and release our body tension. In the process of doing this activity your brain reaches equilibrium between daily stresses, important tasks, every day responsibilities and indulgent release.

I find that you can have an array of these outlets. As for myself, I lean back to two activities. My first one being the obvious, volleyball. Lacing up my shoes, getting on that court and putting my energy behind every ball is hit is a release every time I play. Team synergy drives me to loose myself in the excitement of the game. The game, if well played, has so much strategy and depth to it. Coming down after a big point or seeing one of my teammates do something fantastic allows me to release a scream of joy which affectively liberates any stress I might have on my mind. My second outlet is writing. Taking the time to sit in front of blank pages in my journal allows me to let go of any thought. Although I find myself to be a person able to communicate the majority of my thoughts, I reserve some of my deepest thoughts on paper. It creates a bond between you and the idea you are trying to express or convey. I can find myself writing in times of joy, sadness, anger and excitement. My outlets act as agents of release, innovation and above all, happiness.

If you find yourself outlet-less, seek to find what makes you thrive and relax. I believe that having an outlet can help you be more creative in your daily life. It gives you confidence and pride in something you love. So whether you are closet poet or an advent runner, find that one thing you can count on to release your mind, make your heart beat and your soul thrive.  

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