Wednesday 7 March 2012

Power of W

With the upcoming UN Women's Day on March 8, I reflect on how female intuition and compassion have impacted the world in every sector and field. What makes women so unique? They have been marginalized and forgotten for centuries, even though they have been essential in history.

Whether you are in the humanitarian world, business, politics, fashion, education, mechanics or engineering, women have added vital input for the growth of their industry. Providing innovative ideas, structural plans, compassion for their surroundings and mindful thoughts about how what they do will impact those around them, women have been the backbone of most fields. It is unfortunate and detrimental to not include them in progressive, transitional or creative processes.

My whole life, I have seen women shape their field in a unique and evolving manner. I have seen my own mother change young teenagers lives through education. With her determination to provide high quality learning and offering opportunities for growth outside of the classroom, she has changed people's lives forever. Another example is my volleyball coach. She took the game I loved and turned into a life lesson. Lauren had innovative ways to teach technique, mental toughness and team cohesiveness through her passion for the game and her perspective on success on and off the court. Another example would be my godmother. She and her husband packed their bags from their hometown in the South of Italy and moved to Milan to start a bread business industry. She has helped him build on this notion that bread is not just something you eat, it is a form of art. Through this mindset, they have built a popular bakery found in various areas in Milan and London. I am sure they will continue to expand their industry globally.

The Power of W is the power of women. The ability to give insightful knowledge and skills to your industry, your family, your relationship, your hobbies and every day tasks, are essential to making the world go round. Understanding that compassion and hard work are vital to sustainability and growth. To all the women out there, you go girl! Keep doing what you are put on this earth to do, and that is to change the world!!

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