Wednesday 21 March 2012

Always Upgrade, Never Downsize

Being complaisant is quite comforting. Never setting goals, not having expectations or standards can feel reliable for the fearful and unwilling. Although you may believe sticking to the status quo is fulfilling, you sell yourself short and life becomes stagnate. You must constantly invigorate the mind, body, heart and soul in order to discover your potential, new talents and passions. 

As it is the first day of spring, I think it would be a perfect time to take on this mentality. This season exemplifies change. It blooms new flowers after winter and prepares the beautiful summer landscape. While it is a process for the seed to turn into a flower, it is vital that it gets plenty of sunshine and water. Like a human, we must plant an idea within our mind and fuel it with positive thoughts and belief that we can achieve it. The mind is a powerful tool. You can think something and turn it into a reality. This idea does not necessarily need to be a world changing innovation, it can merely be having a more fulfilling relationship with a loved one, extra endurance to run that half marathon or willingness to start writing that book you have been thinking about your whole life. Enriching your mind with valuable thoughts and desires fuels your heart with passion to pursue your objectives with tenacity, stimulates the soul with the resilience it needs to stick with your goal and makes your body stronger to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

I know that you might be thinking, well what if I can’t do it? What if people laugh at me for having such high expectations? What if it’s hard? Well, I think the first thing you must do is acknowledge your fears. You don’t have to put them in your back pocket and attempt to pursue something so important to you. Make peace with your apprehension in order to perform and reach a point of excellence. Stay poise on you journey, humble yourself if you encounter setbacks or obstacles and always stay in love with what you are pursuing.

Magic Johnson once said: You're the only one who can make the difference. Whatever your dream is, go for it. You have control of your life. You have the ability to turn any situation from a nightmare to a dream, from a thought to a reality. Trust yourself. Use your intuition and instincts to pave a path to greatness. Greatness is not tangible. Greatness is a feeling that lies within and truly shines in a person when they are unshakably happy with their pursuits in life. I hope that whether life is going great or you are feeling down on yourself, you choose to follow the sharpest tools in the shed, your mind, your heart, your body and soul. So, never downsize your life, upgrade it! Aim for those things you think are impossible. You just might surprise yourself.

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