Thursday 1 March 2012

Meeting between words and actions

Easy to think or say that hard work pays off.  That everything you will do in order to achieve your goal will pave the path to success. Well, it is one thing saying it and it is another actually getting there.

Blood, sweat and tear are to come to those who pursue what they truly desire. Creativity and flexibility are essential through one’s journey as it is sure that obstacles and unexpected twists and turns will arise. Setting goals is important. Intention to purse them is key. But actually following through and enabling yourself to arrive where words turn into actions, is a whole other level. Perseverance, determination and the unshakable desire to sprint through the finish line are vital to past the finish line and still have the energy to enjoy your end product.

After a month of obstacles and unknown, after two weeks of waiting and anticipating, I find myself on the other side of the finish line, replenished and awake. Excitement fills me with the energy I need to continue and stability offers the structure I can use my creativity to prosper in my endeavors. I have learned about hard work, determination and resilience through this journey thus far. And I intend to continue growing and building on what I have arrived to. As I begin my new opportunity to contribute to the international community, I know that I will give it everything I’ve got because I have given my time and effort to get here. I know that I will benefit from every moment and seize opportunities to explore global society.

If you find yourself stuck and feel like the whole world is against you, ask yourself if what you are doing is what you truly want to be doing. If it is not the case, drop your anxiety and stress and pursue what brings you happiness as it will inevitably bring you success. If you are pursuing something you truly believe in, keep going, keep taking affirmative action towards your end goal and don’t sweat the small stuff. Obstacles will arise. Take them as a challenge and build on small victories until you get to your final goal. Find a way where your words meet actions and where your aspirations and dreams become your realities.

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