Sunday 25 March 2012

Outlet: Source of expression and release

Oxford dictionary defines an outlet as “a pipe or hole through which water or gas may escape.” or “a means of expressing one’s talents, energy, or emotions.” Although both definitions share different words and sentence structure, I believe that they have many commonalities in meaning. A pipe in which water can escape exemplifies that even a solid object can have a hole in which liquid can flow right throw. Such as person, an outlet as a means in which an individual can express him or herself is as possible as the water that flows through the pipe. Outlets are essential because they ignite an inner body passion into an outer body experience. They allow us to express ourselves through a creative process.

An outlet is something that we can look to in times of stress or just as a daily activity. Whether your passion is writing, running, photography, film, music or mathematic problems, they stimulate the brain and release our body tension. In the process of doing this activity your brain reaches equilibrium between daily stresses, important tasks, every day responsibilities and indulgent release.

I find that you can have an array of these outlets. As for myself, I lean back to two activities. My first one being the obvious, volleyball. Lacing up my shoes, getting on that court and putting my energy behind every ball is hit is a release every time I play. Team synergy drives me to loose myself in the excitement of the game. The game, if well played, has so much strategy and depth to it. Coming down after a big point or seeing one of my teammates do something fantastic allows me to release a scream of joy which affectively liberates any stress I might have on my mind. My second outlet is writing. Taking the time to sit in front of blank pages in my journal allows me to let go of any thought. Although I find myself to be a person able to communicate the majority of my thoughts, I reserve some of my deepest thoughts on paper. It creates a bond between you and the idea you are trying to express or convey. I can find myself writing in times of joy, sadness, anger and excitement. My outlets act as agents of release, innovation and above all, happiness.

If you find yourself outlet-less, seek to find what makes you thrive and relax. I believe that having an outlet can help you be more creative in your daily life. It gives you confidence and pride in something you love. So whether you are closet poet or an advent runner, find that one thing you can count on to release your mind, make your heart beat and your soul thrive.  

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Always Upgrade, Never Downsize

Being complaisant is quite comforting. Never setting goals, not having expectations or standards can feel reliable for the fearful and unwilling. Although you may believe sticking to the status quo is fulfilling, you sell yourself short and life becomes stagnate. You must constantly invigorate the mind, body, heart and soul in order to discover your potential, new talents and passions. 

As it is the first day of spring, I think it would be a perfect time to take on this mentality. This season exemplifies change. It blooms new flowers after winter and prepares the beautiful summer landscape. While it is a process for the seed to turn into a flower, it is vital that it gets plenty of sunshine and water. Like a human, we must plant an idea within our mind and fuel it with positive thoughts and belief that we can achieve it. The mind is a powerful tool. You can think something and turn it into a reality. This idea does not necessarily need to be a world changing innovation, it can merely be having a more fulfilling relationship with a loved one, extra endurance to run that half marathon or willingness to start writing that book you have been thinking about your whole life. Enriching your mind with valuable thoughts and desires fuels your heart with passion to pursue your objectives with tenacity, stimulates the soul with the resilience it needs to stick with your goal and makes your body stronger to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

I know that you might be thinking, well what if I can’t do it? What if people laugh at me for having such high expectations? What if it’s hard? Well, I think the first thing you must do is acknowledge your fears. You don’t have to put them in your back pocket and attempt to pursue something so important to you. Make peace with your apprehension in order to perform and reach a point of excellence. Stay poise on you journey, humble yourself if you encounter setbacks or obstacles and always stay in love with what you are pursuing.

Magic Johnson once said: You're the only one who can make the difference. Whatever your dream is, go for it. You have control of your life. You have the ability to turn any situation from a nightmare to a dream, from a thought to a reality. Trust yourself. Use your intuition and instincts to pave a path to greatness. Greatness is not tangible. Greatness is a feeling that lies within and truly shines in a person when they are unshakably happy with their pursuits in life. I hope that whether life is going great or you are feeling down on yourself, you choose to follow the sharpest tools in the shed, your mind, your heart, your body and soul. So, never downsize your life, upgrade it! Aim for those things you think are impossible. You just might surprise yourself.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

A Tribute & Farewell To An Amazing Friend

On Saturday March 17, at 2:30 am Geneva time, I got notice that my very dear friend, Marcus Ford, passed away due to a heart attack. He was a young vibrant man who lived his life gratefully and to the fullest. His life was an example on how one should live it. Marcus never took anything for granted, lived life with passion and determination and truly enjoyed the beauty of life.

I remember when Marcus and I started getting closer as friends. His kindness, caring, generosity and warm smile are only a few of the reasons I found myself drawn to his friendship. We could relate to one another even though we had come from different paths of life. I am grateful and truly blessed to have been part of his short but meaningful life. Everyone who knew or met Marcus could testify on his behalf. His infectious personality and bold character lured you in as quickly as his piercing smile.

What I loved about Marcus is that when he was in your presence, he always made sure to pay attention to how you were feeling and what you were saying. He cared about every word and action coming out of a person. Marcus never judged people. He simply enjoyed them for who they were. He brought the best out of people, his surroundings, his pursuits in life and most of all, he always brought the best out of himself. Marcus showed resilience, passion, determination and a joie de vie that most people never achieve in life. But he knew that life was so precious and he lived it in that way.

I am so proud to call Marcus one of my best friends. Our friendship bloomed so quickly. I will miss our fruitful conversations about anything and everything. I will miss seeing him walk through my front door at JMU. I will miss hanging out with him just because we want and can. So many things remind me of him. The one thing I will miss the most is him.

Although his life was short, he impacted everyone and everything around him for the better. I know we will all miss but if there is anything we can take from his passing, is that we must live life to the fullest each and every day. Go for everything and anything your heart truly desires, indulge in your friendships and breed a zest for life in and around you.

Farewell Marcus, may you rest in peace.

Bump, Set, Spike in G-ville

Even when I'm old and grey, I won't be able to play it, but I'll still love the game.-Micheal Jordan

Lacing up my worn out Mizuno volleyball shoes, I anticipated a practice with new teammates, new gym and new ways to play the game I love. I arrived at the venue ready to play but worried I wouldn't be able to pass a ball to save my life. I picked up a ball and started warming up my arm when Caroline, a young French player, approached me to ask me who I was. We started chatting about where I was from, why I was here in Geneva and why I had chosen to practice with a team that was already in mid-season. A warm welcome came from the whole team and that was comforting after not knowing anyone in the gym.

Although I had a rough start, practice was fantastic. Everything I love about the game shined through these young ladies. Excitement, passion, determination, leadership, resilience and true love for the game are only some of the characteristics I saw in this team in such a short period of time. While they may not be the best players I have played with, they shined through this passion and energy for the game. After two hours of pick up, I found myself replenished with vigorous satisfaction. I realized, as I walked back home, how much volleyball had been much more than something I love to play, it was a remedy. Through stressful times or difficult periods, the game has always been there for me. I think it gave me much more in life than I could ever give to it. I am grateful to have found something I can loose myself in whether I am distressed or happy.

I will continue to practice and play with the various teams of the club. Hoping I can contribute my experience and knowledge about the game, I know I will continue to learn more about the sport I love. I believe that playing with players from all over Europe will surely demonstrate just how innovative this game really is. I find that quite exciting. As a former NCAA Division 1 player, I find myself at peace with no longer competing at such a high level. Although I miss the excitement and prestige this position entails, I find myself being humbled by these players as they are truly showing up every day because they love the game. Well, stay tuned for more volleyball news as I gear up to play with their number 1 team this week.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Sunday, my favorite day of the week

Shops and businesses closed for the day, I put on my running shoes and plug my earphones in. I step outside to the hot sun and the cool Spring breeze.I start my Sunday morning, after sleeping in, with a long run. Clear blue skies, the Alps are a picturesque view. People are enjoying Sunday morning's calm in cafés with their families. Everyone is outside enjoying the sun and a day of the week where no one is obligated to do business or work. It's comforting to see people taking the time to enjoy each other after a chaotic week. Down by the lake, I see people strolling with their families and dogs and park benches filled with people enjoying a picnic of baguettes, cheese, fruits and tea. It is as though I am in a movie. What's truly beautiful about it is that it seems so natural. I love Geneva for that reason.

No need for fancy attire, fully done hair and make up, Sundays are meant to be lazy and relaxing. Watching movies, reading a book, spending time with your family and friends, this day of the week recharges my batteries to take on another week. As I prepare myself for a busy week of work, playing with a new volleyball team and all other tasks and responsibilities of life, I take this day as a time to refuel my mind, body and soul. Sitting in my apartment listening to the music of Anour Brahem, enjoying tea with my roommates and reading, I know this Sunday has been great. Well, off I go to attend to more Sunday affairs. To all my friends, family and followers, have a great Sunday too.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Power of W

With the upcoming UN Women's Day on March 8, I reflect on how female intuition and compassion have impacted the world in every sector and field. What makes women so unique? They have been marginalized and forgotten for centuries, even though they have been essential in history.

Whether you are in the humanitarian world, business, politics, fashion, education, mechanics or engineering, women have added vital input for the growth of their industry. Providing innovative ideas, structural plans, compassion for their surroundings and mindful thoughts about how what they do will impact those around them, women have been the backbone of most fields. It is unfortunate and detrimental to not include them in progressive, transitional or creative processes.

My whole life, I have seen women shape their field in a unique and evolving manner. I have seen my own mother change young teenagers lives through education. With her determination to provide high quality learning and offering opportunities for growth outside of the classroom, she has changed people's lives forever. Another example is my volleyball coach. She took the game I loved and turned into a life lesson. Lauren had innovative ways to teach technique, mental toughness and team cohesiveness through her passion for the game and her perspective on success on and off the court. Another example would be my godmother. She and her husband packed their bags from their hometown in the South of Italy and moved to Milan to start a bread business industry. She has helped him build on this notion that bread is not just something you eat, it is a form of art. Through this mindset, they have built a popular bakery found in various areas in Milan and London. I am sure they will continue to expand their industry globally.

The Power of W is the power of women. The ability to give insightful knowledge and skills to your industry, your family, your relationship, your hobbies and every day tasks, are essential to making the world go round. Understanding that compassion and hard work are vital to sustainability and growth. To all the women out there, you go girl! Keep doing what you are put on this earth to do, and that is to change the world!!

Thursday 1 March 2012

Meeting between words and actions

Easy to think or say that hard work pays off.  That everything you will do in order to achieve your goal will pave the path to success. Well, it is one thing saying it and it is another actually getting there.

Blood, sweat and tear are to come to those who pursue what they truly desire. Creativity and flexibility are essential through one’s journey as it is sure that obstacles and unexpected twists and turns will arise. Setting goals is important. Intention to purse them is key. But actually following through and enabling yourself to arrive where words turn into actions, is a whole other level. Perseverance, determination and the unshakable desire to sprint through the finish line are vital to past the finish line and still have the energy to enjoy your end product.

After a month of obstacles and unknown, after two weeks of waiting and anticipating, I find myself on the other side of the finish line, replenished and awake. Excitement fills me with the energy I need to continue and stability offers the structure I can use my creativity to prosper in my endeavors. I have learned about hard work, determination and resilience through this journey thus far. And I intend to continue growing and building on what I have arrived to. As I begin my new opportunity to contribute to the international community, I know that I will give it everything I’ve got because I have given my time and effort to get here. I know that I will benefit from every moment and seize opportunities to explore global society.

If you find yourself stuck and feel like the whole world is against you, ask yourself if what you are doing is what you truly want to be doing. If it is not the case, drop your anxiety and stress and pursue what brings you happiness as it will inevitably bring you success. If you are pursuing something you truly believe in, keep going, keep taking affirmative action towards your end goal and don’t sweat the small stuff. Obstacles will arise. Take them as a challenge and build on small victories until you get to your final goal. Find a way where your words meet actions and where your aspirations and dreams become your realities.