Sunday 25 November 2012

Open-mind + Open-heart = Open-doors

We are accustomed to our daily routines. Whether it revolves around our jobs, our school, families or activities, we set our schedules according to the responsibilities and duties that derive from what we have committed ourselves to. We become a product of our methodical and systematic routines. With that in mind, we sometimes, consciously or unconsciously, become automatic robots living stagnate and planned lives. While this can be fulfilling at times, we close ourselves off to other opportunities and experiences that can come out of life.

You can think, well, I have a job, a family, a nice house, a fulfilling hobby, what more could I want? My answer would start off with, we are humans, and we always want something more. It’s a normal feeling. Those desires, ambitions and goals can add up. They can include being more wise, writing a book, contribute to a club or getting a promotion. These desires can range from tangible objects to the pursuit of humble attributes. You may be asking yourself how you can achieve these wants and needs? Well, I believe it begins with having an open-mind and open-heart. There is no dream, no desire, and no project too big for the body to complete.

The creative process towards open doors to your deepest ambitions, desires and goals has to be flexible. You must be able to communicate your true beliefs towards what you seek with those you trust and connect with. Whether that person is a friend or someone you just met who share common interests, creating an environment to share these ideas can help the progress towards accomplishing or reaching your goals. Now, I am not saying that you should go out into the world telling everyone about every little thing you want to do or get, but I am saying to embrace your personal story and pursuit towards getting what you want out of life. Your open-mind and open-heart will allow you to open the doors to opportunities and experiences that you may not have encountered with a closed mind and heart.

As a witness of opened doors, I make it a point every day to embrace my environment and the people within it. You never know whom you are going to meet and how they could change your life and lead you towards the right direction to your goals, ambitions and desires. As you take on your day, remember to learn and enjoy everything within that environment. Release positive energy out into the world and you will receive a reciprocal abundance of this positive energy. 

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