Thursday 22 November 2012

My "Thanks Giving"

For five years, I had the pleasure of spending this great American holiday with my friends and family away from home. Each year, a different adventure, but each year as memorable as the last. From Southern hospitality in Alabama to a foreign supper in Harrisonburg with my best Swedish and Russian best friends, I am left with a warm feeling of nostalgia.

My experience in the United States is unique and full of great memories. I was blessed with great teammates and friends, supporting coaching staff and athletic personnel, a fulfilling academic program and a campus that felt like Disney World for college students. While I went through hardships and adversity along the way, I am thankful to have had the perfect recipe to success. I was able to be myself in a place where I wasn’t born or raised. I grew with every year, every person I encountered and every opportunity I was given.

My “thanks-giving” was an ongoing process for five years that continues today. I give thanks for that experience, as it is not everyone that can say that they had the college experience they dreamed of and more. On this day, I give a special thanks to those amazing people that are now part of my life. You have all inspired me to stay the way I am and be better with each day. I cannot begin to express my gratitude but if it’s any consolation, you have made my life passage in the United States remarkable and breathtaking. I will use the fuel you have given me for five years to drive on for the rest of my life.

I hope those of you celebrating the holiday today take a moment to look around and see how truly blessed you are to be surrounded my unconditional love from your family and friends. And to those who are not celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you have the chance to experience it once in your life the way I have. Happy Thanksgiving and lets get ready for the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas!! 

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