Monday 26 November 2012

Humility Over Pride

It’s full of happiness, sadness, success, failure, hope and grief. Yes, it is life. Our colorful, unique story is constantly in action. Never ceasing to amaze us, it unravels into the product of our imagination whether it is a positive outlook or a negative image. While we cannot always predict or control what happens in our lives, we can always control one thing, our reaction.

Life has a funny way of taking a turn for the worst. Whether we expect it or not, we go through life faced with adversity, obstacles and failure. While these contingencies seem uncontrollable at times, we can learn and grow from them. The only factor holding us back is our pride. Sometimes, we hide behind our fear and embarrassment, which can seem as an abrasive appearance of arrogance and pride. Pride is not bad, but it is when you use it to mask the reality of failure or adversity. Therefore, pride becomes a cowardly quality instead of a powerful trait of character.

When faced with failure or undesirable outcomes, learn from it through humility. Let yourself understand how you got to where you are and learn how to pick yourself up and move on. It will make you a stronger and more compassionate human being. There is nothing more human than setbacks, as successes come in abundance when we humble ourselves from those drawbacks.  

Life has a way of humbling us through its experiences, the people we met and the choices we make. Face adversity, humble yourself through the process and enjoy the abundance of happiness and success when you step out of the shadow of pride and arrogance. Humility is a quality we should take pride in. Boastful pride is a humiliating quality we should stay away from at all times. Furthermore, if you find that you are losing yourself in pride, acknowledge the presence of your fear, and control the only thing you can, your reaction. 

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