Wednesday 21 November 2012

Oh! , That’s The “Fill in The Blank” Girl/Guy

The way people perceive and define us is based on the way we present ourselves. When we meet someone new, we instinctively tell him or her about the various experiences of our lives. We tend to verbalize the ones that have the most impact on us, whether they be good or bad events. There is your first trap of being the “fill in the blank” girl or boy.

Don’t get me wrong; some people enjoy the label they have been given. Whether they are known as the football guy, the picture girl or the quiet kid, they accept the title they are given. In some indirect way, they seek to be noticed in some simple and narrowed way. While this label may be convenient in times of distinguishing one person from another, it never fulfills and gratifies a person long-term. The label becomes inadequate, oversimplified and in some way, steals from the individuals true uniqueness as a human being.

I know we always have the ability to control the way people perceive you and I believe that it is our duties as unique and distinctive individuals to seek a perception beyond labels. While it is important to let the experiences we have had in the past shape the person we are in the present, I firmly believe that we must pull the qualities and lessons from those experiences such as courage, determination, inspiration, passion, honesty or even loyalty, shine when you speak of yourself. There is nothing more beautiful and true than a person who speaks of the people, places and experiences they have had as catalyst of the person they have become.

There is a sense of inevitability when it comes to perceptions and labels. There will always be someone who will attempt to fit you in one mold in order to simplify your existence. Whether they are doing it consciously or unconsciously, seek to break that barrier of oversimplification. Expect more from yourself, and others will follow. This contagious phenomenon has a ripple effect.

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