Tuesday 13 November 2012

Fight Like Hell

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of seeing my former volleyball team compete in their last home games. As a volleyball enthusiast, it was refreshing to see that the passion I once had for the game still resonates in Godwin Hall Synclair Gymnasium. Being in the stands with my former teammates, watching the game we love the most brought back great memories and a vibrant feeling of nostalgia.

As I reflect back on this past weekend, I realize how being back to a place I once called home, inspired me once again. Fight like hell is the motto for the James Madison University Volleyball team.  These words echoed within me as I thought about what they meant for the game, for the team and for life itself.

For the game, it demonstrates how competing for a title, overcoming an injury, developing team chemistry or even overcoming barriers and obstacles throughout a long season, takes this sense of fighting like hell. You must find a way to pursue your goals and ambitions by finding that fuel to the fire. The game has taught me so many valuable lessons on and off the court. On the court, the game taught me that results derive from the hard work and perseverance to achieve success. The desire to win a point, a game or a match takes full commitment to the team, to your coaches, to the fan and dedication to be fully focused and determined on the task at hand.  Off the court, the pursuit to establish fruitful and meaningful relationship with your teammates and coaches, giving back to your community and performing in the classroom are factors that student-athletes should commit to during their experience. Performances on and off the court go hand in hand as they allow you to become a fulfilled student-athlete.

In life, this idea of fighting like hell comes from the standards and expectation we set for ourselves. Whether we are pursuing our dream job, developing a relationship with a partner or friend or even giving back to society, we must set goals in order to achieve great results. Along the way to our goals or ambitions, we all face difficult times or obstacles. Our persistence and determination will dictate the results we get as we get out of life just as much as we put into it. Whether times are going well or chaotic, your commitment to the goal should make your journey fruitful and meaningful. The end result is the cherry on top of a sunday. It’s the layers underneath that cherry that make it worth the while. It is layers that make you a more determined, passionate, dedicated individual.

            When I found out that the volleyball team’s motto was “fight like hell”, I thought that there is no better way of tackling the game, but even more attacking life. These lessons that come from playing a sport will carry onto these athletes life. Furthermore, the lessons they learn throughout this season from this motto will be abundant and rewarding.  As for your life, it’s way too short not to fight like hell. 

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