Sunday 26 May 2013


For the last week, I have had the honour and privelege to hear testimonies from both survivors and rescuers of the 1994 genocide. Each person who we've spent time with at memorial sites or their village have taught me more about courage, fear, forgiveness and resilience than I could ever read in a book. 

At first, I felt a bit uncomfortable writing posts about what I had seen at the memorial sites across the country because of the details and emotional associated with each testimony I heard. In reality, each person thanked our group for listening to their testimony, coming to Rwanda to learn the true story about the genocide and hoped that now we would share their stories and the real story of the genocide with others. I thought it was the most powerful thing to hear because they know how imperative to keep that flame burning so that we never forget what happened in Rwanda. 

This place is etching a spot in my mind and heart. For a place that saw so much darkness at one point, is now full of life and willingness to look forward to a bright future as one strong, united nation. 

The more I reflect on these testimonies and walk paths and roads once flooded with such chaos, the more questions I have about it all. I know I will come back to this place to try to understand more and put the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together. Additionally, this place allures you with it's breathtaking landscaping, hospitable people and overall resilient and united population.  

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