Friday 24 May 2013

Hope For The Future

These past few days have been difficult. We have visited various sites from the genocide, talked with survivors and rescuers and de-briefed about our observations and experience thus far in the programme. It has been tasking everything in. Although it is difficult to hear and see the chaos and the terror this country has endured, the people who we've met have showed me courage and resilience. Their testimonies are being heard and entrenched with me as I make my way through the country.

Today we met with students from the National University in Butare, Rwanda. They took us through a tour our their campus and we touched light subjects about education within the country an the development within this sector. 

We then moved to cafe to further discuss  topics of interest about the country. The students talked about what they envisioned for Rwanda and its future. What was truly remarkable was their willingness as the youth of the nation, to work as a collective community under good governance to rebuild and empower the Rwandan population. 

We talked about successes that the current government are continuing to build on such as education, health care and self-reliance programmes and initiatives. Additionally, the de-centralization of government has allowed for everyone in society to feel as though they are contributing and participating as active and productive citizens. 

These students are the future of this nation. They have so much faith in their government and it's ability to make the country strong in every aspect. They believe in the future of Rwanda and its positive contribution on the international community. 

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