Sunday 26 May 2013


Every last Saturday of the month, Rwandans come out into the community and participate in an event called Umuganda. Picking up trash, fixing up roads and cleaning up the streets are all part of this community service project set out by the government. 

I heard about this program as I sat with students from the National University in Butare. Bernard, an undergrad student studying electronics and telecommunication told me it was one of his favourite events in Rwanda. Everyone has a chance to mingle with neighbours and others living in the city or village. It creates a sense of community and unity. Bernard said this government initiative was a great example of good governance, which is a component the current administration is striving for. Each district has facilitators that help organize and decide what should be the main tasks of the community clean up. And everyone helps out as much as they can. 

On our to Gisenyi, north west of the country, we saw influxes of people in each village participating in this activity. I thought it was a brilliant idea to help create bonds of trust and unity as well as clean up villages and cities. 

I think the greatest fact I heard about Umuganda, is that even President Kagame takes part in this event!  

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