Thursday 19 June 2014

Peregrinos dinner

It comes with a first, a second, a dessert and some wine. Yes, it's the peregrinos dinner served every night. For about 8-10 euros, you can have a meal that will fuel your body and re-energize you for the next day! The best part about this meal, is that it's shared among other pilgrims on the camino.

During the day, you pass and get passed by dozens of people. Some will zoom by you while others will take the time to talk to you and wish you a buen camino. Either way, most of the time, you end up in the same albergues (hostels) around mid-afternoon. From there, many will talk about the journey that day and set plans for dinners. You never eat alone on the camino.

Libby and I have had the pleasure of eating with people from all over the world.  From Montenegro to Australia, Italy to Mexico, the people you meet and eat with along the way, make this journey that much more amazing. You exchange stories and backgrounds, have a few laughs and find common ground. You come to realize how, although you may come from different places around the world, our needs are common. We all need food, shelter, safety and a sense of belonging. The camaraderie around these meals is special because while you share so much in such a little amount a time, you have lasting memories each time.

Peregrinos dinner might be one of my favourite part of the camino. And it's not just for the food and wine (hahaha) but for the good conversations with genuinely authentic people.

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