Friday 6 June 2014


I think we all have a certain conviction or 
convictions that drive us in our lives. Whether it is directed to our careers, relationships or goals, conviction gives us the fuel to our fire. I think it's important to seek what that is because when you find what you are convicted to, you tend to live a fulfilling life with passion and purpose.

I believe mine is what drives me to travel, talk to people and live in whatever moment I am in. I want so much out of my life and this world because I see the potential and beauty this world and the people in it possess. With that said, my conviction is to seek the deepest understanding of human connections. Not just through superficial conversations but through interactions that expand our mind and set a light on something we didn't know about the world, the other person or even ourselves. 

So far in my life, I have had the opportunity to expand my global network of friends and connections. And this is not simply as a superficial conquest of having many friends in different places. It's much deeper than that. It's having conversations in different contexts and settings but realizing that although we may come from different cultures, backgrounds and past, we are fundamentally alike. We share the same needs as basic human beings. By understanding that we are so much more alike makes me believe that this world does have potential for greater unity and understanding of one another. 

In a nutshell, my conviction is to people and becoming more self-aware of my needs and the needs of others by interacting on a deeper level. I believe that once we start doing so, we will start looking at the world and the people in it differently. Conviction leads to purpose. Purpose leads to passion and passion to love. And if you love what you do, your conviction will never seem like burden, but a blessing. 

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