Friday 13 June 2014

Aurevoir Paris, Buenas Dias Léon!

At 630 am, Libby and I grabbed the Paris metro to Charles de Gaulle airport. Little did we know, our day would be off to an interesting start. We ended arriving to the end of the line and had to find our way to the bus shuttle. Luckily, a older man took is under his wing and guided us to our destination. We waited 20 minutes to find out that there would be a delay in our shuttle. Press with time, we headed to the taxi line, which luckily for us, wasn't on strike since the morning. So, we split a cab with our new and soon to be wed British friend abs headed to the airport.

Once we arrived at the airport, we enjoyed our last croissants and pain au chocolat from the bakery next to my friend's Solene's apartment. Our flight took off as we dosed off, and the next thing we knew, we were on Madrid. 

We had to figure out how we were going to get to our camino starting point, Leon. We decided we would take the bus and see the Spanish countryside. Four hours later, we arrived to Leon. Eager to get to our first albergue (hostel), we went to the bus terminals information desk. Unfortunately the man peeking at the desk spoke no English, and my Spanish could not follow his beat. But he graciously pointed us in the right direction and threw in a few English words he knew. 

So, we embarked on our journey towards the city square where a group of ladies, then a couple, a man on a motto and an older lady pointed us in the right direction. 

We had finally arrived at our first destination. We picked up our pilgrim passport, got them officially stamped and headed to the dorms for a quick dinner and bed. Tomorrow, the real journey begins! 

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