Saturday 21 June 2014

El horario diario de un peregrino (The daily schedule of a pilgrim)

For the past week, Libby and I have followed a schedule most pilgrims headed to Santiago de Compostela follow. While there may be many that deviate from this schedule, most pilgrims follow the same regiment. Here is a brief daily summary:

5:15- Wake up and get mochilas (bags) ready
5:45- Make our way out of the albergue (hostel) and eat a power bar
9:00- Stop for a café con leche (coffee with milk)/ tea and snack. Get our peregrinos passport stamped for proof in Santiago de Compostela. 
9:20- Keep walking/take pictures/ gaze at the world's beauty/ talk about anything and everything among peregrinos
12:00- Arrive at destination. Take pictures!!
12:30- Sign in at albergue, get bunk assigned. Unpack everything ! 
1:00- Shower time/ Lunch
2:00-4:00- Siesta !
4:00-6:00- Tour city and talk to more peregrinos 
7:30- Dinner (Early bird special please) 
9:30- Bed time!!! 

Wake up and do it all again. 

Now it sounds redundant, but it's truly an amazing experience. Experiences like this one only lasts a few weeks and you gain so much from it. Although it may sound tiering and boring, it's truly rewarding. Every day, I wake up with enthusiasm and excitement for the challenges and beauty ahead. Every night, I go to bed with such respect for myself and other peregrinos who have gone through the same trials and challenges the mind, the body and the heart must conquer on a daily basis. You can buy or fake it. You must live it, day in and day out until you arrive to your final destination. I think the best part of it all is the multiple times you hear "Buen Camino" from locals and other peregrinos. 

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