Wednesday 4 September 2013

One Last Stride

Well, it's finally here! After a summer of great adventures, new friendships and amazing outcomes, I am ready to start my last semester as a grad student. When I first started my masters in Conflict Studies, I did not know where it would take me, who I would become and how it would change the course of my life. I now realize how much this one decision I made a year ago was the best one I have made so far in my life.

Since I entered this programme, I have had the chance to take classes about my passions like peacebuilding, conflict analysis and identity. It has allowed me to approach different conflicts, politics and social dynamics from a different perspective. Additionally, this programme allowed me to embark on an amazing experience to Rwanda, where the course of my studies and career goals moulded into something more concrete where I gained perspective and purpose for my future.

I am very grateful for what has past this last year and even more excited about the year to come. As my last stride in this short but meaningful chapter of my academic life, I am looking forward to sharing my final thoughts, adventures and accomplishments ahead. Stay tuned!


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