Wednesday 21 August 2013

No Such Thing as A Coincidence or An Accident

Twentieth century writer and poet William Bourroughs once said: “ In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. Nothing happens unless some wills it to happen.”  When we think about the magical universe, we tend to believe it is an exclusive place for fantasists, idealists and visionaries. This false reality tends to slip itself into our minds as we get older and we are told that reality is one thing and magic is another. When that happens, limits, boundaries, conformity and confinement settle in. But it’s never to late to add some magic in your life. In the end, what do you have to lose?

Your life is a manifestation of your thoughts transforming into actions and realities. Whether you have positive or negative images and words mixing in your mind, whatever you think will become your reality. This is inevitable. Nothing is coincidental and accidents are an excuse to justify a calculated mistake. “Coincidences” are sometimes what we interpret as magic. “Accidents” happen but they can be avoided by accepting that it can be controlled and altered. This also applies to positive outcomes, successes and accomplishments in your life. They are a manifestation of an idea, a belief and a delivery from the universe. Hard work and persistence are vital as well.

For instance, if you are working towards establishing your career, you are constantly thinking about it. You are thinking about the valuable factors that you need to get your dream job. You are always asking the universe to work with you and whether you decide you are worth it and a viable employee, your outcome will derive from it. Sometimes it takes time. It can be a very long process, especially if it is something that requires a great deal of persistence and focus. But in the end when you get what you want, you wouldn’t want anyone to look at your accomplishment as luck or a coincidence. You would want people to think it was persistence, hard work and determination that got you what you wanted, a series of calculations that brought success in your life.

There is no such thing as a coincidence or accident. Whether it is your relationships, career, health, education or success in our goals, your whole life is a manifestation of a series of thoughts that are believed as the truth. It can be difficult to always monitor your thoughts because negativity can be contagious but so can positivity. Take it one area of your life at a time, one day at time and you will see how quickly your life will alter and how magic is no longer reserved for a certain group. Bourroughs, like many others, understood that we have more control of our lives than we believe. Sometimes it takes time to understand the idea of magic but start with today, with one thought about something you have to do or someone you have to see and allow the thought to manifest itself in your life. You’ve done it before without knowing it, why not control it and make it happen again. 

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