Thursday 5 September 2013

A Champagne Toast to Club 24

To club 23:

You gave me such an amazing chapter of my life. I feel so grateful to have had a year filled with adventures, new friendships and so many accomplishments. I would be foolish to think that without you, I would be the person I am today. You have made me bolder, stronger, resilient, passionate and even crazier than I was before.

Without you, I could have never had the courage to start my masters. You've allowed me to immerse myself in studies that truly make me passionate about this world and life. I would have never had made the friends I have today, if it wasn't for such an open-mind. Whether it was the French exchange students in my master program or the Rwandan lawyer that welcomed me into his country, you have showed me a global sense of friendship. I am so grateful to have so many good-hearted and genuine people in my life. 

Without you, I would have never been bold enough to travel to the other side of the world and find a place I love. In the heart of Africa, you showed me how resilient, courageous and dynamic a community can be. You showed me the beauty nature is and how the world is a constant battle and union between nature and human. You challenged me physically, emotionally, mentally and psychologically. Climbing Kilimanjaro was an eye-opening moment in my life because for once I was at the mercy of Mother Nature. I surrendered and in the end, I was brought to Africa's highest point where my mind was the clearest it had ever been.

There is so much I have to be grateful for. Each day, I wake up grateful, inspired and excited. I don't know what the day has in store for me, but I know that it begins with a laugh and ends with one too. All those people in my life, work friends, school friends, family, acquaintances or random encounters, they all set a precedent with me because they teach me another lesson about people and life. I am so blessed to have such a profound belief that this world is more than we could ever imagine, but I am equally determined to get as much out of it as I can.

In my 24th year of life, I know I will be faced with adversity, success, obstacles and accomplishments. I know it will take me in a whirlwind of opportunities, new journeys and exciting outcomes. I can't tell you what is going to happen, just that it will be great. Take me as I am, and make me better with each day. As for the world, watch out, I am coming for ya!! 

I raise my metaphorical champagne glass to you all, stay tuned, there is more to come. 


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