Friday 16 August 2013

Want To Be Wanted

Humans are instinctively attracted to one feeling and that is to be wanted. Now, I am not just talking about your personal relationships or friendships, I am talking about every aspect of your life. Whether it is your career, your hobbies, your family or, even your relationships, the desire to be wanted is primordial.

Now, it’s easy to passively want to be wanted by saying it out loud or thinking it. It is another thing to think and act proactively to be wanted. For example, your job is a place where for the most part you are filling the description set by your employer and is expected by your colleagues and everyone you encounter. For the most part, many can fill this description. But very few are missed or indispensable to the group’s function.  In reality, being wanted at your job is in your hands. You decide how much you put into it because in the end you reap what you sow. If you take your colleagues for granted, you don’t appreciate your income and benefits, respect your employer or actively participate in your work environment, the consequences will be just as negative if not worst than your actions.

If you decide that you want to engage with your work environment by appreciating every task, person and opportunity that comes your way, than the feeling of being wanted will begin to create itself as a cushion of comfort around you. Not only will those around you say that you are wanted, but you will be given a degree of importance and respect that goes above the feeling of belonging. This is a feeling that you feel from within and manifest itself outwards in every aspect of your life.

The feeling of wanting to belong or be wanted is not a sign of weakness. Weakness comes from denying something so primal to our human nature. Once you accept this desire, you can cultivate it in positive ways in every aspect of your life. Life is a social construction that we masterfully control with our thoughts, actions and reactions. 

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