Thursday 12 December 2013

The Ripple Effect

We have all witnessed it. Some one starts singing a fine tune at a party, and everyone chimes in. I like to call this the ripple effect. Whether it is standing up for your rights at work or getting everyone on board on an idea, the ripple effect is present in our lives. I'd like to briefly talk about the ripple effect in changes in our close proximities that have the ability to have a greater impact in the long run.

Every great innovator, philosopher, leader, scientist and every average joe has the capacity to initiate the ripple effect. It is not some esoteric, unattainable thing only touchable or fathomable by the gods. It is applicable to you and me and every one in between. As I see it, the ripple effect is ignited by an idea, a person, a circumstance, a predisposition or advantage and its ability and potential to make something big out of it. This "thing" has the capacity to bring people together and even divide them. It's potential is so great and the worst part is, it sometimes goes unnoticed. When it goes unnoticed, it is never truly valued and its potential stagnates where the idea once flourished. I am here to tell you that you can have the advantage and the edge by seeking ideas and opportunities to better your personal, social, academic and career life. You have the capacity to change it on a personal level just as much as on a greater level with others.

I challenge you to find one thing in any part of your life and to push its potential. Whether it is brining some change to your life or to a group, seek to make it the very best it could be. If you do it on a personal level and succeed, you might create the ripple effect and try other "things" in your life. You could even inspire those around you to do the same, creating a ripple effect with your surroundings, that could lead to a greater ripple effect in their surroundings, and so on. If you choose to do something that could affect others, just know you will have to find a creative way to get others on board. You shouldn't see this as a challenge but as an ability to push your limits as a leader and a team players all at once. 

The ripple effect has potential. This idea is so accessible yet so unexploited that it seems that only a few have the ability to use it. But I am telling you, it's possible, if you believe in that idea and above all believe in yourself, you will ignite the ripple effect. I hope you take the challenge and see how it van work for you. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next best thing,

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