Friday 28 November 2014

A Little More on Transitions

As I come to the end of "Transitions" by William Bridges, I am beginning to understand a little more about transitions and what they entail. The following line from the book resonated with me because the thought was so complete.

“It is when the endings and the time of fallow neutrality are finished that we can launch ourselves anew, changed and renewed by the deconstruction of the structures and outlooks of the old life phase and the subsequent journey through the neutral zone” (157)

There is a constant fluidity of endings and beginnings in our lives. They manifest themselves in our personal, professional and social life. Sometimes all three are in transition simultaneously and other times, it may just be one aspect of your life. But what is constant, is that the end is just the beginning. And between an end and a new beginning comes a state of neutrality. The neutral zone is where personal development takes place. It takes a great deal of courage to come to an end and allow yourself to live through the emotions and the process. But that's what the neutral zone is for. You will be challenged. It will not only always be easy but when the dawn of a new day comes upon you, you will be ready for it.

New beginnings are exciting because they are new opportunities. The beginning won’t always be glamorous but what is the point to even start something new if you aren’t willing to live through the nitty gritty of it all? I think what is important to remember is that the new doesn’t mean you are back into your rhythm of life. It means you have found a new rhythm, and this time you gained more instruments to your life symphony.

But when do you know when one thing has ended in your life and a new one has begun? Well, I am not quite sure. I can see how it could be something external that stimulates your mind, heart, body and soul. But I think the work is internal. I know that when a new idea or refreshing thought comes to mind, I am consumed by gratitude. It almost feels like I gained a bionic super power and that I can take on the world. Whether the source is internal or external, travel through this new beginning with excitement and willingness. It can be frightening but the things that terrify us the most, are usually the things we should take on. And yes, our past will sometimes challenge us and try to sweep into our future, but if you allow yourself to be in the neutral zone, a state of emptiness, than the temptation will dwindle away. 

As I come to the end of this book, I am aware that I have only touched the surface of understanding transitions and life. But I am happy to be enlightened and pushed to have fruitful thoughts on the matter. You are never too old or too young to embrace the comprehension of endings and beginnings. Understanding transitions is a constant lesson that life will test you on. But if you are willing to put in the work, the outcome is rewarding. I look forward to completing this book and sharing my thoughts with Znews readers. My hope is not to change your perspective on transitions, endings or beginnings, but to stimulate reflection on the matter. 

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