Monday 7 October 2013

#1 Rule: Be Authentic

Life is full of challenges and obstacles. You are faced with success and failure every day. From the moment you wake up, you interact with family, friends, coworkers and the general population. Daily routines are filled with obligations and responsibilities. And in the end, you hope that all your daily endeavors reach optimal outcomes. Life is a manifestation of our social construction. In our minds, we decide what kind of career we want to have, what friends we want to align with, the type of partner we want to share our time with and the type of lifestyle we want to live. Our predispositions come from past experiences, choices and actions we have taken. Our current situation is based on the past, and the present determines what will happen in our future.  That being said, how do we reach these “optimal outcomes” in our lives? How do we get what we want?

Well, I think it all begins with setting goals. Long-term, mid-term and short-term goals are imperative to achieve successful outcomes. There are many ways you can begin to get what you want. Some people enjoy writing their goals down and putting those goals in a place they can see every day. It keeps them accountable and aware of the desired outcomes. Other people make a mental list in their head and constantly think about every thing they want to achieve in their lives. Personally, I like to write my goals because it makes me be more honest about what I want. Whether it is about my personal life, social life, career or even my health, writing down what I want is an affirmation that I am putting out into the universe. It also allows me to change and alter the goals accordingly. Everyone is different so find the goal setting approach that best suits you.

The following step is the actions you take to achieve those goals. I find that the people in my life who have achieved their goals have been very proactive towards achieving their desired outcomes. These people had one attribute in common, authenticity. Their actions stemmed with a belief in their goals and themselves. They knew what they were doing, and worked towards their goals in a straight line rather than banana route to them. You can feel the positive energy and confidence they have in each step they take towards arriving to their destination. Never quitting. They get back up if they fail and try again and again until they achieve their goal. Always being honest, humble and modest in the process, authentic people will always have the helping had they need and the unshakable desire and willpower to get what they want.

Anyone can be authentic. It’s a question about being honest about your goals. Sometimes we say we want something, but really, it is a secondary desire to the primary and true aspiration. Once you’ve established what your conscious and subconscious mind want, the journey to your destination can begin to be authentic. And with time, it will happen, that I am sure of it.

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