Sunday 7 December 2014

Let It Go

We tend to want to control every aspect of our lives. Whether it is building our professional careers or maintaining relationships, we tend to want to have a hand in every and anything we can. Although it may seem to be something that brings value to our lives, I think at times it can be quite toxic. I find myself being part of the group of people who deliberately desires to control everything in my life because I feel like I can get the desire outcome I want. But this is foolish and can put you in a vulnerable position. Let me explain.

I will be the first to admit the thought of not controlling something that is present in my life terrifies me. But I am beginning to understand that in doing so, you can begin to be your own worst enemy. You can begin to do things that go against your values and beliefs. People will start to see a side of you that is not so glamorous. You may appear unrecognizable when you look in the mirror. And in the end, all this control you desire can spiral out of your control even more, creating unfavourable circumstances and outcomes.

If you find yourself in a situation where you end up having more anxiety and fear than pleasure and joy, you must walk away and let stillness take the place of that control. I know what you are thinking and you are right. It is easier said than done. It takes courage to walk away. But in the end it will strengthen you. Lead yourself back to what you value in yourself, in others and in life. In the end, you will be wiser. It will empower you in so many ways, and in a way, you could be gaining a different and healthier type of control. So, let go. Tell yourself that you will be better off not controlling the outcome. I think that you can produce something better when you stop clinging onto an idea. Our minds have the ability to let things we have done define us. Our mistakes do not define us if we choose not to let them do so. When I am in doubt about a certain issue, I try to write 10 things that remind me why I am a good person and the values that I hold dearly are more valuable than the one thing I am trying to control. And this exercise helps tremendously. Let things just happen. Have faith that everything will work out the way it should. I am not saying to give up but just let things unfold as they may.

So next time you begin to feel like you are losing yourself in ONE thing, whether you are trying effortlessly to get a certain job or pleasing a certain someone, have the courage to humbly walk away. You may be surprise to see how everything works out.

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