Tuesday 13 May 2014


I firmly believe that purpose is the key element to any goal or dream. Anything worth pursuing has to have purpose because even when your journey takes you off the well-worn path, purpose will keep your dream, goal and yourself in check. I thought for this post I would talk about my journey. Using oneself as an example to explain something so difficult to define.

I recently graduated from my masters in conflict studies. Excited to take on the world, I find myself applying for jobs, internships, emailing people I respect and admire for advice and plotting a way to enter the world of development. Most people that I know would describe me as an audacious and resilient individual. I refuse to quit. While it’s a tough process to enter my field, I will make it. Why? Because I know that I have purpose behind my pursuit. I have a passion for this world. I see how much good and potential we have in this world. It’s not about just about making a paycheck, settling down and working to accumulate enough funds for retirement. While that may be a beautiful goal for some, I know I need more. I want to see change because I believe it exists. I want to have an impact on people’s lives as many have had on my own. I am looking for an opportunity to work with a dynamic team that creates and implements innovative, effective and sustainable programs. Whether it is to create better political governance or helping a community to rebuild the fabric of society, being part of a greater journey than your own is exciting, refreshing and encouraging. I believe that having the right kind of energy, a refreshing vision and the willingness to seek something you truly want is the greatest journey one can go through. And I have seen the outcomes manifest themselves in my own life.

Whether it was getting a NCAA Division 1 scholarship to play the sport I love while pursuing my degree or graduating magna cum laude in my masters, I know that having purpose is what got me there even when times were tough and felt as though all odds were against me. As I seek an opportunity to start my career, I remind myself daily that this is my way of contributing to a stronger global community. The bigger the goal, the bigger journey. You have to really commit. My friend Kelly once told me that in order to gain more than we have today, we must risk everything that we have done so far. She told me that in college and it became part of my mantra for my vision and my journey. So, to all the people who are truly pursuing what they want in life, keep going! You are not alone on this journey. Know that your resilience speaks volumes and that time is the only thing that stands between you today and your destination.  Pursue your dreams. Remain resilient and patient. And above all, live with purpose.

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