Thursday 27 December 2012

The Blind Eye

Whether it is a goal we hold so dearly or an expectation we have about a specific person in our life, dreams and desires can sometimes bring on a blind eye. Casting a shadow over reality, pragmatic and rational decision-making can be lost because we seek to not see past the flaws and caveats of our deepest desires. Now, dreams can turn into realities. Through persistence, constant visualization and belief, you can attain your deepest desires and goals. But, there is always a need to rationalize your reality. There is a need to wonder if what you are doing or seeking is truly beneficial in the end.

Dreams can be blinding. Sometimes we want something so badly; we are willing to comprise other parts of our lives. Now sacrifice tends to be a word we throw around when we talk about our journey to the success of our goals, our relationships or even our friendships, but this concept is misused. We say sacrifice to justify our blind eye. We desire the realization of our dreams or ambitions, but we tend to forget how harmful they can really be.

Sometimes it is difficult to see that what we are seeking is harmful. We have friends or family that attempt to tell us that what we are doing is detrimental to the fabric of our lives, but our blind eye turns these opinions from loved ones into personal attacks. We let anger invade us, and justify our decisions and journey by saying it is our destiny. Now, I know sometimes it is difficult to see whether or not we our goals or desires are difficult to attain but healthy or just flat our damaging.

I like to believe that our gut feeling tends to feed us some truth about the reality of our dreams. Most of the time, our intuition derives from something within us that desires to tell us whether what we are doing is good or bad. Sometimes we must persist with our goals and know that in the end, our journey has made us progress as individuals. Sometimes we have to make peace with our blind eye and seek to rebuild the path towards a life with fruitful and healthy endeavors.

In life, we find ourselves investing in our blind eye. Some of us live it through our journey to a great career; others may live it through the desire of having a perfect relationship with their partner. Regardless, we have the choice to take a moment and seek a sign or even a feeling telling us to keep calm and move or end the chapter of your life story. Be the one to seek the answer before your blind eye paralyzes all other senses in your body.

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