Tuesday 27 January 2015

Expand Your World

I will be the first to admit that I have been a victim of this common view many people share at different points in my life. When we think about the world and our life specifically within it, we tend to have an unbalanced perspective. We begin to think that the life is greater than the world. And we begin to think that way, our problems, our perceptions and behaviours are based on a narrow understanding of what the world truly is. The world is a place we can never truly understand. Attempting to grasp the very essence of it is unfathomable and attempting to do so takes great courage. Although I believe it is difficult to truly understand it to the fullest, I do believe that expanding our world by expanding our mind’s parameters will allows us to see more of reality and less of the story our mind is creating. We change parameters in games, our professional life and our social structure. Why can’t we do it on a personal level, and even more on a spiritual and deeper level of the conscious and subconscious mind?

When we narrow our mind, our problems amplify. They consume us to the point where we begin to create fear, anxiety and stress. I use the word “create” because for as beautiful as the mind can be as a creative tool, it can also be destructive and detrimental to our existence. By expanding our mind by seeing the day, the present moment, for what it is, we begin to see how much the world has to offer. We see the love that surrounds us. We feel the energy that floats through the air. We begin to understand that the world is not a place to dread. It is a place that has beginnings and endings. And both are imperative to our growth as a person. I believe, that at one point in our lives, we all become victims of our narrowed mind. We allow ourselves to shutdown for a moment and sometimes longer and it paralyzes us. But I don’t think that we should hinder our lives for a mere moment of weakness. We should take a moment to realize that a limited mind creates the fear in our lives and brings negative thoughts in our conscious and subconscious mind, but it will never define us. Once we decide to expand our world by expanding our mind’s parameters to the rest of what is out there and what is actually present in our reality, we will realize we have won the battle against a temporary weak and narrow mind.

Anyone can have a narrow vision on the world but I truly believe anyone can expand it by allowing the mind to live in what is rather than what was. Because if what was, was actually meant to be, it would still be in the present. I believe that the universe has the ability to work with the mind and allow it to bring things into the world, which are supposed to be there. So, expand your world by expanding your mind’s parameters and whenever you become a victim of your closed mind, remember that world in reality is more colorful than a made up story you "create" in your mind.