Sunday 6 January 2013

Step Back

We can easily take life for granted. Indulging in perfect and sublime moments, forgetting how fast these instants of happiness and carelessness can deteriorate. This is not a pessimistic or negative view on life. On the contrary, it is a mere realization that sometimes a sweet thing can turn sour.

Whether it is a project that doesn’t go as planned or someone deceiving you in some way, life has a funny way of showing us how at any moment, everything can change. This is not to be feared because it is inevitable. And in the end, a random act of silence, of distress or of grief can shape us into more resilient, patient and compassionate individuals.

Like it is important to push forward with your life and seek to better yourself everyday, it is equally essential to step back and look at the path you have paved. If the path is strong, well made and done with care, you will always be able to go back without any regret or burden. If you have neglected those around you or have set a stray from your own morals and values, you will reap the consequences in the end. No good or bad deed or decision goes unnoticed.

It seems that people believe it is difficult to live an honest, selfless, loyal and happy life, but I beg to differ. If we make these positive attributes, behaviors and attitudes habits, they become second nature. Yes, at some point, you will cause someone some type of grief or pain but you can always find a way to step back, make the situation work, and move forward with confidence and peace of mind, heart and soul.

Stepping back is not a set back. In fact, it is proof that you are making conscious efforts to be a better person. With courage and patience, stepping back makes you  mindful about the present and future.